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Schools Closures Due to Snow / Inclement Weather - Please check the School Website, District Website or Emails

Dear McKay Families:

As you know, a lot of snow has been falling this afternoon and more is forecast over the next 24 hours.

We do not expect schools in Richmond to be closed tomorrow. However....

... in the case of inclement weather leading to school closure, please refer to the following message on our School District web-site:

School Closures Due to Inclement Weather

Published: Feb 27, 2023 



Please note - in addition to the above, McKay will try to send out an email to all McKay families by 7:00 am.

No radio or television announcement will be made saying that schools are open. Only school closures will be announced by the media. To reach as many people as possible - as quickly as possible - we work closely with our local media to share information. Listen to local radio stations and follow local news outlets online to also get information about the impact of severe weather or emergencies in our schools.

If snowfall begins while school is in session, in most circumstances, schools will remain OPEN until the end of the school day.

If schools are open, and you wish to keep your child home due to weather conditions, you may do so. Please let your school know of this decision.

Parents/guardians are responsible for their child's safe travel to school. If possible, we encourage parents to walk their children to school in poor weather conditions.


Larry Hurst

Principal - McKay Elementary

Updated: Monday, February 27, 2023