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Moving Forward- Literacy and SEL

As we assess our work with literacy near the end of this 2023/2024 school year, we feel that we have taken tangible and positive action towards supporting our students' literacy skills.  

-Our Resource team supported school-wide literacy assessment, and planned their support and targeted intervention groups based on that data.  For students who continued to struggle in their literacy development after intervention were considered by our School Based Team about next steps for support.  We consulted with our district literacy specialist, and she also supported students directly.

-We accessed our district literacy teacher consultants to support our staff with Professional Development this year.  Time spent learning about the Pillars of Literacy and assessment in grade-band groups, supports our staff in understanding the most current evidence-based practices around literacy teaching pedagogy.  This planning will carry forward into next school year.

-Boosting our literacy materials and text sets has taken some time this year.  We have assessed what materials we have, have culled materials that no longer serve our current teaching practices, and have sampled different options for resources moving forward with the support of our Teacher Librarian.  We anticipate the delivery of all materials and books for full implementation in 2024/25.  Teachers. have also selected recommended literacy texts to take home over the summer, with plans for Professional Book Clubs in 2024/25.

-We generated real excitement for reading with our Read-a-Thon, Dress Like a Book Character Spirit Day, and buddy reading this year. Aside from the fun of these events and activities, our aim is to create a culture of joyful literacy, and increase students' motivation for reading.  

Updated: Tuesday, July 9, 2024