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Student Reflections On Strategies They Use To Effectively Regulate Their Emotions And/or Calm Down

Our school goal includes an objective to develop skills that help our student to regulate their feelings and emotions, especially when they feel frustrated, angry or upset. When asked, "What are some helpful strategies you have to cope with difficult emotions?", some of our student responses included:

  • To take a walk / run and talk to a close friend 
  • Usually breathing exercises help and walking away too
  • I listen to music and watch TV when I am upset
  • Leave the situation, be positive, and be calm
  • Talk to other people or teacher about my emotions and thoughts
  • Deep breaths, or take a short walk or share the problem with others
  • To think of something else to squish the emotions out of my mind
  • To be alone for a bit, or be surrounded with people who make you happy
  • Deep breaths, walks and cold water
  • Just take a deep breath and try not to think about it - if you hurt someones feelings, you need to apologize to them
  • I calm myself down by stopping talking, walking away, give myself space and then I will talk to them later
  • Read a book, go for a walk, watch a funny video with a friend, or play with friends
  • Tell someone about it and hug someone - play with friend
  • Talk to someone you're comfortable with when dealing with problems
  • ​​​​​​​Talking to a trustworthy adult or friend - it is relieving to talk out the feelings I have been keeping in
  • I talked to others about my stresses and tried to find way to not worry as much
  • Reading helps me
  • ​​​​​​​Reading books that I like 
  • Deep breaths when I am sad
  • Talking about the problem calmly
  • Try to end an argument with kind words to not make the problem bigger than it is
  • Explain why something is bothering and ask them to stop - get help if they keep doing it
  • ​​​​​​​Ask for a break and go to a quiet place if I feel like crying
  • ​​​​​​​I keep my space from other people and great - then share it with a friend
  • I go and get help form an adult
  • Count to 10 slowly
  • ​​​​​​​Play with my friends or just sit by myself to calm down
  • Count to 60 and practice deep breathing 
  • If arguing with someone, I try to find a way to make the two ideas combine
  • Read a book, draw and say 1, 2 3 in my heart
  • Draw or write things down or do an favourite activity
  • Deep breaths, drink water use a fidget toy
  • Ask for some time alone
  • Listen to music, play video games, or go running
  • Stay in my own little bubble and think 
  • Square breathing, being alone and reading
  • Lots of deep breaths, throw my pillows against a wall and then hug them
  • Time alone or playing with friends
  • Grab a soccer ball and kick it against the wall as hard as possible
  • ​​​​​​​Take 3 deep breaths and walk away - if they follow you , then get a teacher 
  • Hold my breaths in and out
  • Take a nap or go outside 
  • ​​​​​​​Think positive thoughts, use a chime, play with my pet
  • Say sorry and talk about it
  • Chime and closing my eyes
  • Think positively and listen to soft music
  • Chime and doing something I like to do
  • ​​​​​​​Watch or play games
  • Meditation, good thoughts and play a simple game
  • Distract myself by playing music or sleeping
Updated: Friday, July 7, 2023